This blog post describes an ecosystemOS data pipe development that has been validated with different startup ecosystems coming from Europe, North America and Asia. Written by the Startup Commons Team. What are we improving and why?Startup events are at the heart of any ecosystem but often times the view of an ecosystem event schedule looks like as follows: This picture is quite usual in many ecosystems due to lack of visible startup events data to be shared that helps bring more coordination and collaboration among ecosystem actors. It really doesn’t help to schedule multiple events at the same time and target a similar audience. It would bring more efficiency if we could put all of the tech & business events data out there into a single platform so that events data can be accessed globally by different users and along with that it can also be transferred to other websites, blogs, online communities on user demand. How are we going to achieve our goal?Startup Commons Team is working towards Aggregating and Redistributing Startup Events Data globally and automatically. We will create a standardized data model (GraphQL Schema) for structuring data on Startup Commons side and making that data available via GraphQL API endpoint. Some of the attributes we are collecting are Event name, Event Organisation, ID, category, Date, time, timezone, description, format or website link. What are we creating at the end/along the way?Initially, to get more startup events data visible, identify key attributes of startups events and an integrated API service to enable data transfer within and between ecosystems. How do we measure our progress/outcomes?From Startup Commons point of view, we are looking at the quality of the startup events data model and the API performance. Regarding the data model, these are the main factors to consider:
Additionally, we could get static data from the model itself, data from usage of the data model, data from the comparison with similar data model. From API perspective, these are some of the KPIs we are looking at tracking:
Did you find this functionality valuable?In our tireless pursue to 'push the envelope' towards enabling ecosystem level digital connectivity, we have the opportunity to work with amazing new technologies like GraphQL, to unlock new flexibility than their predecessors like Restful API's. Sometimes in the process we notice that something new doesn’t have full support available for something how we want to use such technology, where we end up solving what looks like a common problem for ourselves. While building our own solution in such common problem, our basic approach is to release it to the public domain. Startup Commons, together with Prifina - a Silicon Valley based consumer and developer focused personal data platform and Grow VC Group is co-developing a GraphQL Data Model Editor, a complete application where business and technical users collide to create, document, edit, manage, publish, populate, test, verify and deploy ecosystem open standard data models. Standard data model development is needed to enable digital connectivity that allows ecosystem builders, developers, operators and other key ecosystem actors to share ecosystem data with peer entities supporting entrepreneurs and startups along the journey following MyData principles. Making data accessible to between ecosystem applications, allows collaborating actors to build a better ecosystem level user experience, where view into progress of building/supporting innovations is more accurate, and where ecosystem builders, developers and operators can compare, analyze, measure and orchestrate ecosystem development more effectively, to make more sound decisions. What We Have Built So FarHere you can see the clickable prototype. Feel free to add comments, questions, or suggestions. Here is the link to the Data Model Builder GitHub. Building and documenting the data modelDual-view, from “document” to SLS Encouraging the designer and developer to work together via dual views in text and SLS Testing The Data ModelPopulating and testing the data model (with test data)Visualizing and documenting the data modelPublishing and connecting the data model to AWSIn our internal setup, this published SLS data model can be deployed directly into AWS and used to spin up the needed backend setup. It can also be used to make amendments into the existing infrastructure, which naturally requires clear versioning, deployment protocols, and access controls. Further developmentWe see the need for further development in at least the following areas:
Connect With Us and Stay in TouchWe are scaling up our operations and building our digital team in different positions. What we are building is incredibly ambitious and we want to get inspired by anyone passionate about data, innovation and entrepreneurship, and as such, we have an open-door policy for those that want to get to know us, to connect with others and to share knowledge. We, as serial entrepreneurs, know and accept this risk but we don't know any other way to reach our vision for digital transformation applied to scaling innovation, entrepreneurship and ecosystem development. A tool to empower ecosystem builders with cutting edge capabilities to unlock ecosystem data and put data to work in favor of all ecosystem actors, bringing dramatic improvements in ecosystem orchestration. This is ecosystemOS.
Latin American Spanish Translation For Open Innovation Entrepreneurship Curriculum Materials13/5/2020 StartupLab MX Translating Open Innovation Entrepreneurship Curriculum Materials Into Latin American Spanish
"Our motivation to take part in this global movement is because we want to see if we can implement it together with Startup Commons in Mexico as there is not enough information suited to Latin American ecosystems." About Growth AcademyGrowth Academy is the worldwide leader in open and globally neutral knowledge for innovation entrepreneurship ecosystem actors and users. We focus on building a 360 degree understanding about startups and the journey through various perspectives and connecting all relevant startup related topics along with links to further keywords, resources and tools, for further self learnings and for taking theory to action.
Brazilian Portuguese Translation For Open Innovation Entrepreneurship Curriculum Materials13/5/2020 Ana Pardigno Translating Open Innovation Entrepreneurship Curriculum Materials Into Brazilian Portuguese
"My main motivation to contribute to Open Innovation Entrepreneurship Curriculum is that I think knowledge should be free and democratic. And more and more people should be able to transform a great and crazy idea into a real solution. So I am glad to support others in their journey in the way I can." About Growth AcademyGrowth Academy is the worldwide leader in open and globally neutral knowledge for innovation entrepreneurship ecosystem actors and users. We focus on building a 360 degree understanding about startups and the journey through various perspectives and connecting all relevant startup related topics along with links to further keywords, resources and tools, for further self learnings and for taking theory to action.
Today, we are celebrating Startup Commons' involvement in MyData Global’s recently published paper, Understanding MyData Operators. It is a foundational step on a roadmap towards a human-centric personal data infrastructure that involved 34 experts and was supported by 48 personal data operators in 15 countries. The MyData vision published in 2015, describes operators as actors in personal data ecosystems, that provide infrastructure for human-centric personal data management and governance. Startup Commons is one such organisation and prides itself on its contribution to the creation of sustainable ecosystems where the use of data is transparent and individuals are empowered to make decisions over its use. As providers of infrastructure for personal data management, via our ecosystem level user account as a service, Circle Pass, we recognise our responsibility in creating sustainable ecosystems for fair and ethical use of personal data.
The need for a human-centric data economy is evident: fighting and understanding the impact of COVID19 in a privacy-preserving way and creating better public and private services are just some of the examples. The paper creates a common language, leading to a better understanding of the field and the roles different actors can take. From there, it defines minimum interoperability requirements and emphasises the need for governance. Óscar Ramírez, Co-founder and CEO at Startup Commons says, “we are pleased to have been part of a robust and creative process over the last year with other experts and service providers. To make Startup Commons' vision a reality, it is essential we are open to collaborate with other service providers to deliver interoperability and standards across the ecosystem. The intense collaboration of the last few months has allowed us all to contribute to an insightful paper which we proud to support.” “We are really proud that MyData Global has facilitated this landmark paper”, says Teemu Ropponen, general manager of MyData Global. “Operator organisations worldwide have joined on a common journey towards interoperable infrastructure for using personal data across digital services. These operators commit to working in a way that not only puts the rights of the individual in the centre, but also sets them on a collective path to build ecosystems that work for people. The MyData operator philosophy is very much aligned with the recently published EU data strategy, which emphasises the rights of individuals in these developing infrastructures.” From here on, we will continue to help the MyData Operators Thematic Group in keeping the operators network connected, contributing to thought leadership and working towards interoperability, both in technology, governance as well as human-centric business models. To download the paper now and see updates in the future from this community visit: For more information contact: About Startup Commons: A member of MyData Global, Startup Commons is building and coordinating the implementation, development and maintenance of an open standard framework for innovation entrepreneurship ecosystems, aiming to effectively enable the ability of diverse systems, organisations and cities to work together, to componentize and to “plug together” ecosystem components and eventually enhancing real collaborations and building connected ecosystems. Startup Commons focuses on developing data models, APIs, related documentation and growing the number of parties and applications from around the world to connect with this distributed data infrastructure. Circle Pass is a service that is part of the ecosystemOS package provided by Startup Commons Global, focused on digitally connecting, visualising and benchmarking startup ecosystems for economic development and growth of entrepreneurship and innovation. About MyData Global: MyData Global is an award-winning international nonprofit. The purpose of MyData Global is to empower individuals by improving their right to self-determination regarding their personal data. MyData Global has nearly 90 organisation members and over 600 individual members across industries, and from over 50 countries, on six continents. The nonprofit facilitates the MyData community of several thousand personal data experts and enthusiasts. MyData is described in the recently published EU data strategy as a promising initiative for empowering citizens through exercising their digital rights. |
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December 2023