Ecosystem developers (also known as ecosystem builders) include policy makers, economic development organization teams, management and development team people from core support provider organizations and some other great key individuals, often with overlapping roles - who have taken on been given, more holistic responsibility and long term perspective for broader ecosystem development, related resourcing and policies.
They focus on networking between various key ecosystem organizations, aggregating and distributing local ecosystem key information, initiating, orchestrating and facilitating ecosystem development activities and build connections within and between ecosystems nationally and globally. They are active in networking and being connector between people in ecosystems key functions and organizations, organizing meetings and workshops with various ecosystem actors. Finally and perhaps most importantly, they look for improving the ecosystem development function and team itself - to grow resources, to be able to carry more responsibility on getting ecosystem development projects done effectively.
While there are often overlapping roles, the difference between Support Providers is that Ecosystem Developers primary role should not be on operatively providing direct support functions to business creators or creating businesses themselves. While they naturally can and often do have secondary roles or development/management position in some support functions or board member position(s) as Business Creators. Ecosystem developer can be actively involved in developing various specific support functions, services and funding instruments, but not directly operating such functions on permanent bases as primary role.
Defining mutual and comparable support function KPI’s for ecosystem development level, should be collective responsibility by those operating same or similar support functions and ecosystem developers, while also involving business creators for input and validation for the overall logic of the KPI's. All mutual and shared KPI’s should also logically connected with ecosystem output and development targets based KPI’s.
Ecosystem Developers are exceptional people who take great interest and focus on ecosystem level orchestration, where their main role is, or becomes to develop the ecosystem as a whole. In early maturity ecosystems, the ecosystem development is initially a non existing function and these roles are often initially starting as unofficial, additional and secondary roles by some Business Creators, Support Providers or other highly motivated individuals within ecosystem.
As it's clear there is a lot of work to be done with great ecosystem level impact, - over time, ecosystem development needs to become more dedicated and permanent function with a team of committed people having ecosystem development as their primary role. As the ecosystem development matures to this level the next logical step is to organize ecosystem development into a clearly defined and resourced Ecosystem Operator function. The sooner this happens, the faster and more effectively ecosystem develops.
They focus on networking between various key ecosystem organizations, aggregating and distributing local ecosystem key information, initiating, orchestrating and facilitating ecosystem development activities and build connections within and between ecosystems nationally and globally. They are active in networking and being connector between people in ecosystems key functions and organizations, organizing meetings and workshops with various ecosystem actors. Finally and perhaps most importantly, they look for improving the ecosystem development function and team itself - to grow resources, to be able to carry more responsibility on getting ecosystem development projects done effectively.
While there are often overlapping roles, the difference between Support Providers is that Ecosystem Developers primary role should not be on operatively providing direct support functions to business creators or creating businesses themselves. While they naturally can and often do have secondary roles or development/management position in some support functions or board member position(s) as Business Creators. Ecosystem developer can be actively involved in developing various specific support functions, services and funding instruments, but not directly operating such functions on permanent bases as primary role.
Defining mutual and comparable support function KPI’s for ecosystem development level, should be collective responsibility by those operating same or similar support functions and ecosystem developers, while also involving business creators for input and validation for the overall logic of the KPI's. All mutual and shared KPI’s should also logically connected with ecosystem output and development targets based KPI’s.
Ecosystem Developers are exceptional people who take great interest and focus on ecosystem level orchestration, where their main role is, or becomes to develop the ecosystem as a whole. In early maturity ecosystems, the ecosystem development is initially a non existing function and these roles are often initially starting as unofficial, additional and secondary roles by some Business Creators, Support Providers or other highly motivated individuals within ecosystem.
As it's clear there is a lot of work to be done with great ecosystem level impact, - over time, ecosystem development needs to become more dedicated and permanent function with a team of committed people having ecosystem development as their primary role. As the ecosystem development matures to this level the next logical step is to organize ecosystem development into a clearly defined and resourced Ecosystem Operator function. The sooner this happens, the faster and more effectively ecosystem develops.
Connect And Collaborate With Ecosystem Developer Peers Around The Globe.
Image: City of Barrie Workshop: Making The Transition from Entrepreneurship To Startup Ecosystem. Source Startup Commons
A Short Video of Our
Ecosystem Developers Summit at Slush 2019
- Digital Transformation in Startup Ecosystems -
Ecosystem Developers Within Local Ecosystem
Ecosystem developers focus on aggregating and distributing local ecosystem key information, orchestrating and facilitating ecosystem development activities and coordinate connections within ecosystem functions and between ecosystems nationally and globally.
Click slides below to see how other ecosystem key actors and applications relate to Ecosystem Developers.
Click slides below to see how other ecosystem key actors and applications relate to Ecosystem Developers.
Part of Ecosystem Key Actor Segments -presentation. Download PDF.
Connect With Some of Your Peers From Around The Globe
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Join Ecosystem Developers dedicated Facebook group to introduce yourself and to learn full details.