Application Developers develop new applications, SaaS and online platforms focused on business creators, support providers and ecosystem developers various needs around the world. Developing applications for event management, business planning, accounting, business management, CRM, matchmaking, managing online communities, benchmarking, data analytics etc.
Among Application Developers segment, there are also related roles like software architects, visual designers, UX and UI designers, frontend and backend developers, technical project managers, etc.
Many exceptional and dedicated developers work on digital solutions with great understanding and perspective of ecosystem developers challenges, understanding business creators, support providers or ecosystem developers needs at various startup development phases.
We help different ecosystem segments find good applications with EcosystemOS connectivity and connect with ecosystem knowledgeable application developers, while helping developers enable ecosystem level application connectivity and expand their business to new markets.
Among Application Developers segment, there are also related roles like software architects, visual designers, UX and UI designers, frontend and backend developers, technical project managers, etc.
Many exceptional and dedicated developers work on digital solutions with great understanding and perspective of ecosystem developers challenges, understanding business creators, support providers or ecosystem developers needs at various startup development phases.
We help different ecosystem segments find good applications with EcosystemOS connectivity and connect with ecosystem knowledgeable application developers, while helping developers enable ecosystem level application connectivity and expand their business to new markets.
Application Developers Within Ecosystems
While digital teams focus on applying and supporting applications for specific ecosystem functions within one or few ecosystems, application developers mainly focus on developing and providing application for one specific ecosystem function but within many ecosystems.
Click slides below to see how other ecosystem key actors relate to Applications and App Developers.
Click slides below to see how other ecosystem key actors relate to Applications and App Developers.
A) Business Creators, B) Support Providers, C) Ecosystem Developers and D) Digital Teams & App Developers
Part of Ecosystem Key Actor Segments -presentation. Download PDF.