How Can KPIs Accelerate and Improve Startup Ecosystem Development?
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve two essential purposes in startup ecosystem development:
- Modeling Startup Ecosystems: Ecosystem developers, policy makers, and development financiers can use KPIs to model startup ecosystems. These models can be used to identify problems, design policies, make predictions, and determine resource allocations.
- Measuring Outcomes: KPIs can also be used to measure policy outcomes, provide success benchmarks, and compare different solutions within or across ecosystems.
Modeling Startup EcosystemsHere is an example of a systems thinking model demonstrating that startups are a renewable resource in ecosystems:
The orange circles represent KPIs, or variables, that can be used to make predictions and test assumptions. Systems thinking models provide a tangible mechanism for visualizing the relationships between KPIs.
Policy and funding decisions should only be made after ecosystem KPIs, as well as the relationships between them, have been established. |
Measuring OutcomesEcosystem developers, policy makers, and development financiers can use KPIs to measure outcomes of their decisions. This enables them to accomplish three key tasks:
Accounting for Delays: When using KPIs to measure outcomes, it is vitally important to account for delays in the system. For example, if a specific KPI increases today, it may take days, weeks, months, or years before other KPIs are impacted. For example, investment in an early-stage startup may not affect investor profits for several years since the startup will take time to mature and exit. This is a major reason for why startup ecosystem development is a long-term game. |