Startup Ecosystem Terminology
Like any markets or sector, startups and startup ecosystems have a lot of words and terms, that not commonly used in general language. Also due startups and startup ecosystems relatively young history combined with build in innovativeness in this sector, many of the terms can have variety in the ways they are used or as a recent term, the definition is still evolving. Specially within international context, there can be even more variety on how specific terms are used, defined or understood.
Basic TermsIdea
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur Serial Entrepreneur Portfolio Entrepreneur Solo Entrepreneur Entrepreneurial Mindset Attitude Research R&D Innovation Sweat equity Startup NewCo Pitch Market Value Skills Talent Exit Funding round Bootstrapping Basic Startup TermsIPR (Intellectual Property Rights IPR)
NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) Service Provider Outsourcing founder co-founder Pre SHA (Pre Shareholder Agreement) SHA (Shareholder Agreement) Developer Mentor Advisor Board Member Owner Investor Shareholder CEO Unicorn Product Related TermsUX
UI User Journey Scalable Wireframe Beta Open Source Creative Commons Information Architecture Visual Design Iteration Startup Progress related TermsVenture
Startup journey Milestone R&D Research Ideation Vision Mission Strategy Culture Concepting Commitment Problem Solution Fit Vision Founders Fit Product Market Fit Business Model Market Fit Customer Development Development Business Model Canvas Stealth Mode Lean Startup MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Validation Pivot Business Plan Scaling Growth Hacking Growth Engine Inbound A/B Testing KPI (Key Performance Indicators) Funnel ScaleUp Gasel Failure |
Startup Ecosystem TermsHolistic
Benchmarking FDI Data Metrics Startup Weekend Hackathon Fab Lab Open Innovation Open Data Startup Culture Startup Community Techpark Cluster PPP (Private Public Partnership) Organization Support service Business Angel VC (Venture Capitalist) EIR Incubator Accelerator Funding Instrument Policy SME NGO Finance related TermsGrant
Loan Equity Finance Crowdfunding Equity Crowdfunding Crowd Investing P2P Lending Investing Revenue Cashflow Revenue Share Royalty Business Angel Venture Capital |