Imagine if there would not be public parks, internet would be a commercial product with proprietary limitations or if we would not have Linux, Android, WordPress, Wikipedia, Barcode, etc. I think we all would agree, that we simple would not have the internet and access to knowledge and solutions built on top of those as we have today.
We at Startup Commons believe that not only should globally neutral innovation entrepreneurship knowledge be free to the world, but it should also be properly organized. And that the best way to make it possible, is by collaborative open development, supported by logical open standard framework and collaborative structures.
We at Startup Commons believe that not only should globally neutral innovation entrepreneurship knowledge be free to the world, but it should also be properly organized. And that the best way to make it possible, is by collaborative open development, supported by logical open standard framework and collaborative structures.
Access all open source curriculum assets for your own training needs.
Everyone have rights to the materials under creative commons licensing, to be able to publish, edit, iterate and distribute materials for free, and to create education programs, eLearning platforms, courses etc. based on this content. Offered for free, as paid education, or as part of other free or commercial solutions. Delivered via different channels; online, in person, virtually etc.
Access full library of slide presentations, webinars and booklets here in our publicly shared Google Drive. Feel free to add comments or suggestions to any part in any of the documents available in google drive. You can copy these for your own copies with full edit rights as needed. If you want/need edit access to our shared files to take part in translation work, let us know in the slack channel.
These materials:
Experience the Curriculum yourself for free via our Growth Academy eLearning channel.
Access full library of slide presentations, webinars and booklets here in our publicly shared Google Drive. Feel free to add comments or suggestions to any part in any of the documents available in google drive. You can copy these for your own copies with full edit rights as needed. If you want/need edit access to our shared files to take part in translation work, let us know in the slack channel.
These materials:
- Are used in our own Growth Academy training, where all these materials are produced via open collaboration in mind for improving.
- Use our globally neutral, open standard startup development phases framework for indexing and narrative.
- Are used as existing content and curriculum for summarizing and iteratively developed core version and for expanding with other related materials.
- Are crowdsourced to collaboratively create additional topics, content and editing, by inviting interested topic experts and editors to write or refine text from their favourite topics.
Experience the Curriculum yourself for free via our Growth Academy eLearning channel.
How can you contribute?
- Contribute additional resources into our public repository on Trello
- Join our Open Innovation Entrepreneurship Curriculum (OIEC) Slack Community.
- Together we curate, moderate and confirm content for next official published versions by version numbering.
- For more details see this read me document and our contributions guidelines
Our main objective is to build an interactive, systematically evolving and hence sustainable repository to help build the "index" of the overall innovation entrepreneurship journey and "an executive summary" view of all the key topics and contents. For that reason, we welcome your sincere and constructive feedback for creating an useful resource for all entrepreneurs in the world!
We Focus On Progress
Considering our ambition of global availability and use, surely we’re only getting started, but we’ve also taken great steps already:
- 1400+ users consuming the eLearning curriculum on our platform, more offline in person and new eLearning platforms being setup by others
- Translated or translation in progress in five languages: Spanish, French, Indian, Arabic and Portuguese
- First pool of Certified Trainers
- 7 certified organisations in 7 countries: Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Norway and Portugal
- Learn more about our collective progress...